The AMB2 Architecture studio is committed to teaching and paying it forward with future architects in mind.
| During the pandemic, a black and white single shotgun was drawn by Architect And Borden and featured on the Junior League of New Orleans social media accounts during this time. The intent was to encourage and teach about the history of the New Orleans shotgun and issuing it as a color sheet for enjoyment by future architects.
Shotgun Homes are considered the most well known and prevalent buildings constructed in New Orleans between 1830s-1950s. Their design responded to the hot and humid climate of the area, as well as the materials and technology available during its time. This single shotgun has a shuttered front door and window, a hipped overhang protects the front entrance in front of a gabled roof. A single shotgun’s width equals the width of a room, and was three to five rooms deep.
| Our Principal Architect, Ana Borden, visits schools providing presentations and an opportunity to expose and teach your students the treasures we have in our region. Once again she was honored to be able to present “The Architecture of the Main House of Destrèhan Plantation” presentation researched and personally visited to prepare the students ahead of their own personal visit and having an understanding of how the main building was built and the architectural styles that evolved through its history.
| AMB2 Architecture takes pride speaking at Architect Ana Borden’s high-school alma mater Mount Carmel Academy for their annual Career Day. It is always an honor to speak to young ladies discerning a career in the field of Architecture. Ana gives insight on the journey towards license, her personal journal, shared recently completed projects as well as sneak peaks at ongoing projects on the drafting board. AMB2 Architecture hopes it inspired a young lady to pursue a career in the design and construction industry as she pays it forward in her community.
|AMB2 Architecture is a family run business encouraging the next generation to serve their community.